Start tracking your brand

Speak to our team to learn more about how Latana can help you meet your brand goals. We’ll discuss your current brand marketing strategy and how we can support you with the insights you need.
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Use cases

Discover the insights you’ll find with Latana

From tracking your brand awareness and seeing how you can win against your competition to identifying new markets to enter, Latana can help your brand grow.

Market sizing

Build a strong strategy with market insights

Determine your strategy for entering a new market as you track what percentage of a market has an appetite for a product like yours. See what the strength of awareness and perception is for your competitors so you can prioritize markets where you'll be able to make the most impact.

Image of Latana Brand Tracking audience segmentation dashboard
You can look by geography and segment to see where there is potential growth
Purchase drivers

Understand your target audience

Create segmented audiences and see how they differ in their understanding and preference of your brand, as well as their purchasing priorities, so you can adapt your marketing strategy for better targeting.

Image showing charts from the Latana dashboard
You can look at audience by purchase drivers and segment to see where you can make an impact
Brand perception

Develop customer loyalty

Track sentiment towards your brand across markets and segments to see which segment is your ideal customer to develop value and loyalty. Use these insights to stand out in your brand positioning and messaging.

You can look at market size or any other KPI by segment and geography
Brand growth

Stand out in the market

Monitor the top brands in your industry and see how you rank in KPIs across awareness, perception, and understanding. See how your brand awareness is growing in volume compared to the market so you can create benchmarks for your performance.

Monitor the growth of brands in your market over time to see how you compare
Brand awareness

Measure brand impact on your performance

See the impact of your brand campaigns and whether they’re resonating as you track the growth of your awareness month on month. Break down your performance by market and segment based on your targeting to see where you're making the most impact.

Line chart from Latana brand tracking showing awareness x considerers
You can monitor the impact of a brand campaign against your competitors

Get in touch

Learn how you can use Latana to improve your brand marketing and grow faster.

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